
Rescue hair homemade treatment | Tratamiento casero intensivo para el cabello reseco


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rescue hair treatment damage hair

Damaged hair and low budget? this rescue hair homemade treatment is all you need to bring those curls back to life. Some girls get used to the idea of having dry hair, but it doesn’t have to  be that way, the first step is knowing why your hair is dry. Knowing the cause can definitely help you in finding a remedy.

Our hair can be dry for a numerous of internal and external factors. The number one reason, believe it or not, is the weather; long exposure to the sun, swimming in the pool, or the beach. but don’t think that only summer can make your hair dry, winter can also be brutal with our hair and leave it dry.

Hair products can also make our hair dry, the reason why it is so important to pay attention to the ingredients. Silicon and mineral oil seems to be two of the main ingredients that can dry out your hair.
The list goes on: sulfate shampoos, birth control and menopause pills, use and abuse of hot tools, etc.

The good news is that once you know what is causing your hair to dry out, you can take actions into changing that and find a routine that includes ingredients that will be nourished and hydrate your thirsty curls. You can start with this simple 4 ingredients treatment. You can use it as a pre-poo and even after shampoo, keeping in mind that this is a very oily treatment, so pay attention to your hair and find the best way to use it according to your hair needs. More DIY treatment HERE.

coconut oil hair rescue treatmentIngredients:
1 cup of coconut oil
1/3 cup of grapeseed oil
12 drops of rosemary oil
12 drops of your favorite essential oil (I am using orange)

Mix all the ingredient in a large bowl and whip until forming a thick paste. If you are in a hot weather try putting the mix a couple of minutes in the freezer to make the whipping process less messy and easy.
Apply and leave it on for about 30 minutes as a pre-poo. If your hair is really dry, you can even use it after shampoo. If you feel that it left your hair really oily, use it as a pre-poo. This is also great for your knees and elbows.


Tienes el cabello dañado y tienes bajo presupuesto? este tratamiento casero intensivo para el cabello reseco es todo lo que necesitas para tener unos rizos hidratados. Algunas chicas se acostumbran a la idea de tener el cabello seco, pero esto no tiene que ser así.  El primer paso para poder recuperar un cabello que esta reseco es saber porque esta seco, ósea que lo causo.

Nuestro cabello puede estar seco por numerosos factores internos y externos. La razón número uno, aunque no lo crean, es el clima; larga exposición al sol, nadar en la piscina o la playa, etc. Pero no creas que solo el verano causa resequedad, también el invierno puede ocasionar resequedad del cabello

Algunos productos para el cabello también pueden hacer que nuestro cabello se seque, es por eso que es tan importa prestar atención a los ingredientes, el silicon, aceite mineral son solo algunos de los ingredientes que pueden resecar el cabello. Así también los champús con sulfatos, pastillas anticonceptivas, píldoras para la menopausia, y el uso y abuso de las herramientas calientes, etc.

La buena noticia es que una vez que sepas lo que está causando que el cabello se seque, se puede tomar acciones para que este cambie y poder armar una rutina que incluya ingredientes que nutran e hidraten los rizos sediento. Mas abajo les dejo esta mascarilla super sencilla, como usarla y los beneficios.

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  1. Maria Soares says:

    Ah Daily, gracias nena, lo voy a hacer este fin de semana, me encanta esa receta tuya cielo.

  2. Jane Grates says:

    I have tried this and it surely does an amazing effect on your hair!

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