
Hair Growth Mask |Mascarilla para crecer el cabello


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Coconut rosemary hair growth maskHair Growth mask is one of the best ways to get an optimal hair growth while preventing shedding and thin hair. If you mix the right ingredients you can also get a lot more benefits like shiny, hydrated, and moisturized hair.

For this DIY hair growth mask, you will only need two ingredients: Coconut milk (1cup) and fresh Rosemary ( a hand full). Coconut milk is rich in proteins and essential fats which promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss while Rosemary has amazing antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties that help hair growth and help hair shine.

You can buy coconut milk in stores like I did or prepare it at home by adding freshly grated coconut to a pan of water for 5 minutes and then straining it. Once you have your coconut milk, just let it boil and add a hand full of Rosemary for about 20 minutes at low setting in your stove to avoid the coconut milk spilling. I recommend to not leave this mixture unattended while it’s on the stove.

Turn off the stove and let the mixture cool for a few minutes before straining it to remove the rosemary leaves. Apply this mixture as a pre-poo from roots to ends and leave it on for about 30 minutes or so. Rinse out, wash, and style your hair as usual.


Guando se trata de tener un cabello largo y saludable nada mejor que preparar tratamientos naturales, los cuales no solo te harán crecer el cabello, pero si eliges los ingredientes adecuado también te nutrirán el cabello y lo dejaran mas suave y brilloso. Este tratamiento solo lleva dos ingredientes muy fácil de conseguir: leche de coco y romero fresco. Acá les dejo un video mas detallado, si les queda alguna duda pueden hacer sus preguntas tanto acá como directo en el canal de youtube y con gusto les contesto.

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