Best method for defining curly hair

The fitagem, is called the best method to define curly hair. It is a very simple and common method among the brasilia curly haired community. I was totally new to this method and thanks to one of you, I was able to do more research and try the method on my own hair. It’s called fitagem because it works by dividing the hair with your fingers into strands. For us curly haired girls, our hair divides into pieces (due to our hair type), and after each piece/strand is formed, then you crunch your hair up. I let my hair air dry avoiding touching the hair after each curl was formed.
After washing, detangling, and deep conditioning my hair, I sealed the moisture in with my oil mix, followed by the new Biotera hair line. The new Biotera line has just been reinvented from top to bottom. Every product now has zero parabens, 100% more botanicals and extracts, and a fresh new look—which means you have more to feel good about than ever. And as always, all 10 hair-type-specific collections are enhanced with the power of advanced science to address specific issues and restore hair back to its normal health.
My pinion… I love the method, but I don’t think I will be using it again:
1.- I don’t really care for super defined curls. But when I do, my go to method is finger coil, because it works amazing for me.
2.- Fitagem, is a method that didn’t quiet work for me. This may be because my hair is already curly and making strands/pieces by combing my hair with my fingers was impossible. With this being said, the hair on the back of my head that is more loose ( not as curly) did get some definition, similar to the one I do with finger coil.
I think it is an amazing method for those with loose curls and wavy hair. As for the girls that are transitioning from relaxed to natural hair I have my doubts, but if you are transitioning and you try this method please let me know in the comments down below or tag me on my social media @dailycurlz.
Me gustó el resultado que conseguiste, a mi no me sale hacerlo, debo tener los dedos muy gordos porque cuando intento separar / rake los mechones siempre se me dividen en dos partes gruesas y una finiiiiiiiiiita! Jajaja! Besos, hermosa!
Hola. Quisiera saber como definir mis rizos rápidamente en las mañanas sin necesidad de mojar el cabello.
normalmente tengo que salir todos los días en las mañanas a la U y es tedioso tener que mojar y peinar todoooosss los días.
tengo cabello corto y de hebras delgadas mis rizos son delgados
Te recomiendo que dejes de lavar tu cabello todos los dias, yo lo lavo 2 veces a la semana y no tengo que estarlo mojando, haz este metodo que dice Daily dejalo secar al aire libre y por la noche agarralo en la pineapple y asi duermes al otro dia solo lo sueltas y si por ahi tienes poquito frizz usa algun leave in conditioner ligero mojalo poquito y listo,es dificil no lavarselo todos los dias al principio pero ya despues te acostumbras,tambien puedes usar shampoo en seco.
Estoy amando este metodo, es facil,rapido, y me gusta el resultado,lo unico que uso hermosa Daily es leave in conditioner de leche de coco que yo misma preparo en casa y el gel de linaza que tu hicistes eso le da un toque espectacular y me encanta el resultado.