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You saw him at the Grammys, now is your chance to see him live "JUANES Loud and Unplugged" Tour – Los Angeles, CA‏ Giveaway/Concurso

He wowed us all and made us proud at the Grammys 2013 From Colombia to the world paisa, I couldn’t be there and probably neither did you, but one thing…

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Zabellos, Shoe Repair Review and Giveaway / Reparación de Calzados al Estilo Artesanal Reseña y Concurso

Say what? old fashion handcrafted shoe repair meets modern world… Zabellos was started by a group of young, second-generation Americans with a family tradition of fine shoe making and repair. They bring…

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Can Beer Wash Out a Relaxer? Beer hair Recipes / Puede la cerveza sacar el alisado del cabello? Recetas a base de cerveza

When I was a child I used to live in a very particular house, if I could  call it that way; there were 3 little houses in a row and…