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Asking permission to go natural? / Tenemos que pedir permiso a nuestra pareja para cortar nuestro cabello?


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I came across this video and although I think it is funny, it got me thinking of this all time problem. I thought this was back in the day kind of problem when women suppose to ask permission to cut or dye her own her.

Personally I think I don’t need permission from no men to cut my hair or go natural, yes it is cute and perfect to have your significal other support your journey, but honestly I think this is a personal decision, and like the singer said int the video, MEN don’t understand chemicals and changes.

What do you all think? Do we have to ask our partner permission to go natural or cut our  hair? 

Another controversial video about this artist: NATURAL HAIR VS RELATIONSHIPS (COMEDY)!!


En este video, que se supone sea una comedia, el cantante expresa su descontento cuando su novia se corta el cabello y se lo deja natural sin decirle nada y aunque en realidad pienso es comico, me puso a pensar en este problema que pense era de los tiempos de nuestras abuelitas (nuestras abuelitas santas). En realidad tengo que pedir el permiso de mi pareja para cortarme el pelo, teñirlo o hacerme algun cambio?

Personalmente creo que yo no tengo que pedirle permiso a nadie y mucho menos a un hombre para hacerme cambios en mi cabeza, al final y al cabo que saben ellos de problemas de mujeres, quimicos, enredos y pajones? Claro, estoy de acuerdo que es super el tener el apoyo de nuestra pareja, pero sinceramente creo que esta es una decisión personal.

¿Qué piensan ustedes? tenemos que pedir  permiso a nuestras pareja para ir natural o cortar nuestro  cabello?

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  1. He said he personally love Black women and natural hair. He just wanted to make a comedy off of a relevant topic with African American, and really, Latino communities. I think its a funny way to downplay the ignorance that is going on in regards to Natural Hair. He’s also bringing recognition to it. This might just be my sense of humor going, or the fact I can relate since my immediate family has been saying the same thing about my natural.

  2. Daily, I think we need to celebrate and love who we are. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and the stigma that has been placed on all women of color, for not living up to a European standard of beauty makes me so angry. We need to learn to LOVE our curls. Se ha dicho!

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